Do You Know Fact or Myth can You Eat Spinach and Milk Together?

Do You Know Fact or Myth can You Eat Spinach and Milk Together
There are many things in the world that are being followed by people without knowing the exact cause.

Is it True That Spinach Should Not Be Eaten With Milk and Yogurt?

There are many things in the world that are being followed by people without knowing the exact cause. One of the reasons many of them are ignorant is that they don't drink milk if they eat spinach. For Indians, it is common practice not to consume milk or yogurt with any spinach.

Can this the combination really cause various harm to the body? What is your opinion on this? Now, let's see the truth behind why you should not consume yogurt or milk if you eat spinach.

Spinach and dairy products

Calcium in milk and oxalic acid in spinach are said to produce calcium oxalate stones in the body and block the kidneys.

This applies not only to spinach and dairy products but to all kinds of green leafy vegetables and dairy products. Now we will see the advantages and disadvantages of both.

Note: This applies to all high oxalic acid and calcium food combinations.


If you look at the nutrition list of spinach, all the nutrients in it are beneficial for health. However, many of us are unaware of the high calcium intake of spinach. The nutrient-resistant oxalic acid present in these greens prevents the body from absorbing 95% of the calcium. Thus, just 5% of the calcium in the greens is absorbed by the body.

What is Oxalic Acid? 

It is a naturally occurring chemical. It can accumulate in the body and become a dangerous poison. However, you do not need to mix. Because these are not in our diet (but in products like bleach and anti-rust). Oxalic acid is found in green leafy spinach. When it goes into the body, it forms calcium oxalate in combination with minerals like calcium. These small stones crystals then lead to stones in the kidney and gallbladder. It will take years to happen and have no immediate impact. But this whole process is followed by the body, gradually causing stone particles.


On the other hand, milk is rich in calcium. Approximately 1100 mg to 1300 mg per liter of milk. Calcium helps maintain our bones, muscle contraction, hormone secretion, and central nervous system.

Does consuming milk with spinach harm you?

Dr. SwatiBathwal, a nutritionist and diabetes educator, says this is just a myth.
Consuming foods rich in oxalic acid, along with foods rich in calcium, reduces the risk of kidney stone formation. This is because calcium in the intestine binds with oxalic acid, preventing its absorption and decreasing urinary oxalate. These crystals that form in the intestine are absorbed into the stool by fiber and other unwanted masses.


This is what Ayurveda says, according to Ayurveda, the combination of milk and spinach helps to remove the phlegm during the transition. However, it is recommended to consume only moderate amounts. It is only 1/2 cup milk and 2-3 greens.

Aadvik Camel Milk Powder | 200g | Pure and Natural Freeze Dried

Aadvik Camel Milk Powder


  • This is a Vegetarian product.
  • Original camel milk powder from Aadvik, first Indian company to manufacture camel milk powder
  • Aadvik camel milk powder is lab tested and is manufactured in ISO certified plants
  • Camel milk powder from Aadvik is gluten-free
  • Freeze-dried camel milk powder from Aadvik is 100 percent pure and natural
  • Camel's milk improves the immunity of the body
  • It helps in gut healing, reducing hyperactivity and improving behavior

Product description

Freeze-dried camel milk powder is a rich source of nutrients. Aadvik's camel milk powder is made from pure and fresh camel milk sourced from the deserts of India. We work closely with selected camel breeders to ensure that the highest quality of camel milk is delivered. The freeze-dried powder is 100 percent natural and has all the nutritional value of authentic camel milk intact. It is easy to store and handle. Camel milk is richer than cow's milk in calcium, iron, and vitamin C. Camel milk can be consumed by lactose-intolerant people and those allergic to cow's milk. Researches all over the world show that camel milk benefits people suffering from Autism. It helps in gut healing, reducing hyperactivity and improving behavior. It contains natural insulin, hence benefits diabetic people. It is suitable for lactose intolerant people and people allergic to cow's milk. It contains 10 times more iron and 3 times more vitamin C than cow's milk, hence helps in the overall growth of the body.

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