Is Gum Bleeding or Tooth Pain?
Phosphorus is one of the essential nutrients the body needs. How many of you know that phosphorus needs to be optimized for physical activity? Yes, according to experts, a person needs an average of 700 milligrams of phosphorus per day. Phosphorus deficiency can affect a variety of people.Phosphorus is one of the most needed for good kidney function. Phosphorus is essential for strengthening bone and teeth. When there is too little phosphorus in the body, the bones become weakened and problems such as oral problems and arthritis can occur. In addition, hunger and even infections. With this article, you will learn that phosphorus affects oral health. Now, let's see for yourself how to prevent these problems ...
Green vegetables should not be boiled for long
If we do not cook the food properly, its nutrients may not be available to us at all. That is, cooking green vegetables at high temperatures will completely ruin the nutrients. Therefore, you should never boil them for long. Properly cooked, it can get its nutrients. If you want the nutrients contained in them to be completely intact, it is best to eat them raw and eat green.Phosphorus which helps the bones gain strength
Phosphorus is the 2nd most important nutrient for the body. The combination of phosphorus and iron with healthy calcium has proven to be effective for healthy bones. Phosphorus just eliminates the problem of teeth and gums. Phosphorus also helps strengthen the enamel and gums of the teeth. Eating enough phosphorus in your daily diet can help relieve the pain of arthritis.Phosphorus-rich Foods
1. Wheat
A bread slice made from wheat contains only 57 milligrams of phosphorus. For those who want to increase phosphorus levels in the body, you can add wheat bread to your diet. It's not that expensive.2. Chicken
Non-vegetarian lovers do not eat chicken. Of these, many eat only chicken without knowing the benefits of eating it. Know now, just 75g of chicken contains 370g of phosphorus. Daily intake of phosphorus is essential.3. Fish
If you like to fish, don't skip the sea fish alone. One-third of the body's daily phosphorus level is 75 grams of fish. That is, about 238 grams of phosphorus is contained in 75 grams of fish.4. Cheese
Most people think of cheese as a portion of unhealthy food. But this is a misconception. About 50 grams of phosphorus is contained in 50g of cheese.5. Turkey Berry
In the case of hunger, turkey berry seeds are a good choice. Don't forget to eat 100g of turkey seeds. This is because 100 g of parsley contains 100 milligrams of phosphorus. Eating this will not only reduce hunger but also keep your body healthy.6. Almonds
Maybe, if you don't like gingerbread seeds, you can eat almonds. In fact, almonds are high in phosphorus. But keep in mind that you can only get 200 milligrams of phosphorus by eating a quarter cup of almonds.Dabur Red Paste, 600g (Buy 3 Get 1 Free)
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