Thanks to the presence of lupeol, a triterpene with strong antioxidant activity, and other antioxidants such as beta-carotene and vitamin C, the mango has a powerful anticancer activity, particularly against prostate, lung, breast and intestine tumors.
2. Fight constipation
Mango contains a good amount of fiber useful for promoting bowel regularity and fighting constipation. In addition to improving bowel function, fiber consumption reduces the incidence of intestinal tumors.
3. Improve eyesight
Mango contains vitamin A and its precursors, carotenoids, thanks to which this fruit can be useful for visual function. Vitamin A, in fact, is part of the structures of the retina of the eye and its deficiency leads to dry eyes, night vision deficiency, and other eye problems.
4. It helps digestion
The mango contains digestive enzymes that therefore favor the digestive process, in particular of proteins. The consumption of this fruit is therefore indicated for people who find it difficult to digest and often feel heaviness in the stomach after eating.
5. It is regenerating and restorative
Thanks to the presence of numerous mineral salts, especially potassium, magnesium and sulfur, and vitamins, mango fights fatigue and is useful in the states of convalescence and physical stress.
6. Fights hypertension
The good amount of potassium present in the mango is able to rebalance body fluids, lowering blood pressure. The diuretic effect of potassium promotes the elimination of excess fluids, thus reducing water retention and, consequently, cellulite. Potassium also has a regulating effect on heartbeats.
7. It stimulates the immune system and protects against aging
Mango is rich in Vitamin C and other antioxidants that counteract free radicals, preventing aging and protecting immune cells from the oxidative damage of free radicals, thereby strengthening the immune system.