You already know that bananas are a portion of very healthy food. They are packed with potassium, fiber, vitamin C and B6, among other nutrients. Even the relatively high concentration of sugar (about 14 g per banana) is softened by fiber, which reduces the rate at which sugar hits your bloodstream.
Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables has been shown to reduce the risk of many frightening diseases, including cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.
But when it comes to bananas, can there be many good things? Read on to find out what would happen if you consume two bananas daily.
Bananas, increase your daily potassium level:
Potassium plays some vital roles in our bodies. It is used by every cell you have to generate the load needed for life processes. Potassium is also involved in regulating blood pressure, the stability of your heartbeat, and promoting insulin release. In partnership with sodium, potassium also works to control the fluid levels in your body.Despite its importance, many of us do not get enough potassium every day. The RDA for potassium in healthy adults is in the range of 3,500-4,700mg daily, your current needs are determined by lifestyle and other factors. Two medium-sized bananas will pull you in about 900 mg of potassium, which is a solid start but you can't get there. Additional potassium sources include potatoes (white and sweet).
Bananas help maintains healthy blood pressure:
It is a balance of sodium and potassium that your kidneys use to control blood pressure by regulating the level of fluid stored in your body in response to external and internal demands. Unfortunately, many of us get too much sodium in our diets and not enough potassium.This can bring your blood pressure down to an unhealthy level. If you commit to eating two bananas daily, your risk of hypertension will be significantly reduced.
Bananas lower the risk of cancer:
Fruits and vegetables are a great way to reduce your lifetime cancer risk because they provide the vitamins and minerals you need without the added salt, sugar, and chemical preservatives but beware of pesticide residues in non-organic produce.Bananas have the added benefit of being rich in vitamin C, one of the most powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants are able to bind and neutralize cancer-causing free radicals; banana fiber content is also known to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer specifically.
Bananas, improve heart health:
Bananas contain a lot of things that are especially good for your heart. For starters, studies have proven that people who take at least 4,069 mg of potassium daily have a 49% lower risk of death from ischemic heart disease than those who receive less than 1,000 mg.
But beyond this startling benefit, other nutrients in bananas can also benefit heart health. Fiber, Vitamin C, and Vitamin B6 form a small powerful triad that works to keep your heart strong.
Bananas are not recommended for people who consume medicines:
We have no problem recommending 2 bananas a day for most people. However, those taking heart disease medications should be careful with any food that contains a high level of potassium.Medicines increase the level of potassium and can put you at dangerous levels in combination with bananas. Bananas are also considered an average glycemic food because of their sugar content, so diabetics may want to limit their intake.
Dr.Food BanaTone Natural Raw Banana Powder (400 g) for Babies
- This is a Vegetarian product.
- BanaTone - 100% Natural Raw Banana Powder
- Manufactured by HACCP & ISO certified Company.
- Packaged with high quality & durable bottle for long shelf life
- Pioneers in manufacturing banana powder from the Nendran(Musa paradisiaca) variety in a most hygienic environment since 1993
- Cooking & preparation banana powder recipes included within the package