Some Important Healthy Protection Tips for The Elderly During Coronavirus Pandemic

Healthy Protection Tips for The Elderly During Coronavirus Pandemic

Do The Elderly Know What to Do to Escape The Coronavirus?

Around the world, coronaviruses are unable to control the virus. Countries marking as superpowers have been forced to watch their citizens' persecution daily. It may take several more years for the world to recover from this disaster. Surviving it is a greater challenge now than it was back then.

Although the corona attacks all age groups, it is the elderly who suffer the most. It is noteworthy that more than 60 percent of all deaths worldwide by Corona is in their 50age. People between the ages of 60 and 80 are more vulnerable to diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, these peoples are very difficult to protect against corona disease.

Why Do Older People Suffer so Much?

The first reason elderly people are easily affected by coronavirus is their weakened immune system. Their daily physical movements are completely blocked during these times when they cannot leave the house. In such cases, they can cause a variety of physical problems and pains. At the same time, their alienation from a social distance can cause many changes in their moods.

Tips for Protecting The Joints and Backs

Degradation of bones increases with aging. In these difficult times, it is especially important for older people to exercise regularly, especially at home. It is essential for the elderly to have maintained healthy blood pressure, sugar, and age-related issues. Most elderly people are concerned about fall-related injuries during exercise and thus refrain from physical activity.

What to Do?

Walking, stretches, and yoga are essential exercises to keep your muscles intact and in perfect condition. Surya Namaskar and Kabalpati are excellent for facilitating physical activity, mental discipline, and focus. Extend all the different muscles in the neck, back, chest, abdomen, sides, arms, calves, and thighs. It is equally important to work on the joints in the body to avoid joint stiffness. Yoga is especially recommended for those with arthritis.

Food Tips

We all need to eat healthily, especially the elderly as there is no physical movement during this period of homelessness. Lack of sunlight can lead to vitamin D deficiency in the bones for a long time and can lead to depression. Include a diet rich in vitamin D and vitamin C. Egg yolk, mushrooms and milk are rich in vitamin D. Broccoli, cauliflower, green vegetables, and red peppers, spinach, cabbage, turnip greens, and other leafy greens are rich in vitamin C. The daily diet should include green leafy vegetables, fruits, salads and an adequate amount of water.

Psychological Tips

Avoid information that may cause you anxiety and anxiety. Do not listen to rumors or misinformation. Follow regular life habits and maintain regular contact with loved ones. Older people, especially those who are isolated and forgetful, may experience more anxiety, anger, depression, and agitation while in isolation. Providing practical and emotional support is essential.

What to Do? 

Ensure proper nutrition through a home-cooked diet, hydrate frequently, and take fruit juices to boost immunity. Daily exercise and meditation are essential. Never avoid medications that should be taken regularly. Be interested in book reading and gardening. It is important to stay healthy and to wash your hands once in 1 hour.

What Not to Do?

Do not go near the affected/sick persons. Do not take any medications by yourself. Do not go to the hospital for regular checkups. Talk to your personal doctor as much as possible. Don't go to crowded places like parks, markets, and religious places.

Korotize Hand Sanitizer - 100ml - Pack of 3

Korotize Hand Sanitizer


Boost the agents that give you hand immunity to keep fighting germs for up to 10 hours with Korotize Hand Sanitizer. It not only kills 99.99% germs instantly but also boosts your immunity for up to 10 hours.

And all this without having to use any water. This makes Korotize Hand Sanitizer your defense against germs, anytime, anywhere. Just take a drop and apply on your palm. Spread and rub over the back of your hands and fingertips until dry. Your hands are free from 99.99% germs instantly, without water.

It is easy to carry in your bag, or even in your pocket. You can use it before having food at a restaurant or while enjoying some street food. It’s also a great way to keep your hands sanitized after touching toilet doors, bus handles, currency notes and other surfaces that are hotbeds of germs. Children can use it to school and you can be reassured that they will have 99.9% germ-free hands before having food, especially where the chance of them washing hands without supervision is low.

Korotize Hand Sanitizer comes in great fragrances that keep your hands smelling fresh and great.

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