Human Immune System
Whether you have developed psoriasis yourself or you know somebody who has, among the first questions to cross your brain is most likely! Is psoriasis contagious? Psoriasis is a chronic skin ailment that numerous people suffer from all of their lives. It's estimated that four to eight million Americans suffer from psoriasis each year. Psoriasis is not contagious though, since it's believed to be an issue created from the body's own immunity system. When the human body is functioning typically, it produces new skin cells gradually. The skin tissues on the surface of the skin need about 30 days to perish and shed themselves.During that time, new skin cells have been created deep beneath the surface of the skin, and these new cells progressively rise to the surface over the 30 day time period, coming only in time to replace those this are prepared to shed. Your body's immunity system is reacting to some kind of trigger. Commonly known triggers include getting a serious illness or infection, such as sore throats, or going through a very stressful period in life. Your body begins pushing the new skin tissues to the surface much faster than normal. The skin cells reach the surface in only a few days, rather than talking about a month since they generally would.
Although psoriasis isn't contagious, you're probably searching for a way to cure the problem. Many people have serious cases of psoriasis, and this could be very uncomfortable. Most physicians and scientists feel that psoriasis can't be healed, but they do have medications and treatments that will assist relieve a few of the most typical and problematic symptoms. Herbal medicine specialists, however, believe this you could greatly reduce the severity and frequency of psoriasis flare-ups, and some believe you can cure the problem completely. Common alternative remedies for treating psoriasis usually involve treating the internal problems in your body. You can reduce the inflammation and itching with external applications of herbs like aloe vera, but to actually reduce or get rid of psoriasis itself, herbalists feel you need to cleanse and detoxify the body.