Acupressure is a method of diagnosing the disease by stressing the vital points of different parts of the body. Acupressure, like other methods of medicine, is an excellent method of treatment. Now, these methods are being used here too. Let me tell you that acupressure is a Chinese word in acupressure, which means a point, that is, if diseases are treated by a needle with needle at certain points of the body, then it is called acupuncture and if at those points by hand or by an instrument When pressurized, it is called acupressure.
This branch of medical science believes that the human body is connected from foot to head. Thousands of veins, blood arteries, muscles, nerves, and bones together with many other things make this machine run smoothly. Therefore, applying pressure on a single point affects the entire part connected to it.
Man's body is like a machine and it has a storehouse of powers. Man uses these powers daily in his work. According to continuous use, the powers of the body are destroyed and continue to come out of the body also. The powers that come out of the body are called leaks. Due to this leakage, man sometimes falls ill and gradually moves towards old age. It is the medical system of China.
Under this, one to two thousand such points in the human body has been identified after continuous studies, which are called acupoints. At the place where there is a pain due to pressure, the point is that the disease is bad, it is not known that our feet are a very important part of our body. Not only for walking, but it can also give relief in many body pains. That is, by taking good care of your feet, back, hip and knee pain can be avoided.
You can relieve stress by putting pressure on some points on the body. However, it requires a specialist. Today we are going to tell you such an easy solution, by which you can easily get rid of many types of pain by exercising the feet. Some people do not believe how all the pain in the body can be reduced by just pressing one point.
But there are signs behind this therapy. Veins in the body are connected from one part to another. This may cause the connection of individual parts. Using this in acupressure, the pens that occur at different places can be reduced. Doctor Takako Matsubara, Japan has studied all types of therapy very well. In particular, he has worked on the effect of acupressure on the neck pain.
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