Know About Footwear Can Help Increase Blood Circulation and Oxygen Flow

footwear can help increase blood circulation and oxygen flow

How Does Wearing Footwears on The Feet Increase Blood Flow to The Feet? Let's See Now...

Generally, if we want to stay healthy, exercise, meditate, yoga, and eat healthily. But now also to add footwear in that list, study says. There are so many benefits to being wear footwear on our feet.

So far we have been wearing footwear for a variety of models. But in fact, footwears play an important role in our health as well. Wearing footwear straightens our knees and backs and gives our body a good look. It also increases blood flow to your legs and helps keep your legs from getting tired all day.

Legs... and Footwears...

We must first understand that the legs are the main root and foundation of our body. So it is our duty to protect our feet. That is the work of footwear we are wearing. Our feet connect to everything from the back, hips, and knees. Doctors say that if the feet are not right, you are likely to have knee and back problems.

Was There Footwear in Antiquity?

In ancient times there was no footwear for people to use. They even walked barefoot even in the woods. They were able to walk at 8,000 steps per day. They walked also barefoot on the lawn floor. Then naturally the nerves in the feet were stimulated. Thus increasing blood and oxygen flow to them, and also able to perform static and dynamic functions of the legs.

But Is It Possible in The Modern Age Now?

It is not possible to walk barefoot on the ground like it was in ancient times. Nowadays, people cannot able to climb up to 8000 steps. That's why they changed to footwear habits. But the wrong footwear will never help you walk. Doctors say you can get nerve impulses on your feet only if you choose the right footwear. For this purpose, Dr. Medwalter, a renowned German physician for orthopedics, chiropractic, sports medicine, and naturopathy, has developed six features of footwears based on the reflexology of the foot nerves.

6 Features

  • Massage your legs well every day before you walk.
  • This will stimulate your foot nerves.
  • This will increase the blood flow in the feet and supply oxygen. The name for this is the reflex function.
  • This will alleviate the tension in your foot muscles, adjust the foot and body position.
  • Even when walking on hard surfaces, the paws do not strain.
  • Giving natural flexibility and proper support to the legs.

Benefits of Using a Healthy Footwears:

  • If you choose the right footwear for your feet, it encourages the feet to walk for 12 hours more.
  • Footwear can give leg strength and support for exercise.
  • It eliminates foot, knee, and back pain.
  • It protects the joints and muscles.
  • Adjusts the position and body posture of the legs.

Proper Footwear is Essential

So if you choose proper healthy footwear enough to alleviate your foot problems. Healthy footwear provides the nerve impulses and support needed for the legs. This is why doctors recommend using footwear.

Machak One-Stop-Shop Acupressure Leg Foot Massager (Black, Free Size)

Machak One-Stop-Shop Acupressure Leg Foot Massager



  • Size: Free Size, Made In India
  • Total Body Relaxation Improves Blood Circulation & Prevents Leg Cramps
  • Stimulates The Vital Points Of Your Soul
  • Ideal For Pain Relief
  • A Natural Physiotherapist To Relax You Body

Product description

Acupressure Power Foot Mat Full Body Relaxer Natural Massager Very Innovative Product To Relax Our Body & Soul Imagine A Foot Mat You Stand On For Few Minutes That Will Relax Your Full Body! Total Body Relaxation. Re Vitalize Your Body! It Is Absolute Must Item For Every Home Will Give Great Results Acupressure Power Mat Latest Technology Top - Selling Pain Reliever: It Is A New Computerized Design With Energy Centre, Pyramid Yantra Orbit And Innovates New Foot Shape Designed To Cover All Important Pressure Point. Warm Up Your Body By Jogging For Three To Five Minutes Daily. Indication: Morning Freshness With Total Health. Specially Raised Part: It Consists Of 22 Bio Magnets, Energy Ball, And Micro Point S Charger. Size: 12 " X 12.5 Very Compact, Effective, Attractive Shape & Unbreakable Great For Relaxation. Now You Can Also Own One. Economy, Durable Product Satisfactory Guarantee An Amazing Product! An Amazing Invention!

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